Sunday 13 September 2015

Story: The Glove, V [Replacement]

(Part IV , VI )

"The early history of our colony here on Ganymede was a strange one. We were possessed of a fierce Scotch cultural identity but separated by the differing calls on our natures. By turns artistic and ruthlessly curious our scientists got on badly with the artists and vice-versa. The intoxicating new plant forms here did not make the situation any easier. Deciding that it would be better to diversify our power base and maximise our chances of surviving a catastrophic event we founded two major settlements in a coincidentally helpful way."

Steffan listened as Octavius continued to work through the traditional speech to new members of the Order of Pipers. Tradition would be endured as it itself endured the rigours of time.

"Here in Burgh we concentrated our efforts in fostering the creative and artistic aspects of culture, while in Edin they focussed on all things technical and scientific. Thanks to the wonders of later generations and our communications technology we could never become totally disentangled from one another and it was thought that exchange of the talented and youthful could only lead to greater integration in the future. For three centuries this has not been exactly the case. Our two cities have remained in contact, but have not integrated as it was thought we would."

"As a Master Piper our tasks are many fold but chief amongst them is to act as covert couriers between the governing bodies of our two fair cities, to be ambassadors at large, and to investigate the strange occurrences and frictions that arise from time to time under the pretence of seeking out lore and legend. As an initiate you knew little of these other duties, and even as a journeyman you would not have been told even a fraction of the secret duties of the Pipers. We are an important and humble part of society, the glue that holds all together."

It was odd to find out that the pipers were so much more than he had thought, more than travelling minstrels and vagabonds. It was almost like being... a spy. He closed that thought down for the moment, claiming paranoia.

"Over the last thirty years the prevailing exchange of students has slowed to a trickle. In the last academic session we sent only twenty-two new youths to study in Edin and received but nine such in return. Unrest is building amongst the populace. Our pipers out in the world, traversing the surface ways and lodging everywhere between here and Edin, pick up reports of strife and anger most unseemly. It as if a dark presence were encroaching and pushing between our two peoples. In the last twelve months alone we have seen the disappearance of fifteen pipers, all highly regarded and treated as honoured members of society. And they had all reported progress in determining the sources of this unrest."

"You, Master Steffan, in addition to being top of your class for three consecutive years, admittedly after a rocky beginning, have proven to be reliable, trustworthy and of the highest intellectual and emotional ability. In line with outstanding musical ability you have been awarded the title and duties of Master of Pipers. Should you accept this honour, you will be immediately dispatched to Edin to act as intermediary and collator of information from all sources available to you, responsible for finding and identifying the problems that plague us. You will be equal to all of us in rank if not in experience of seniority. Should you refuse the honour it will not be offered to you again until you have proven yourself a second time in the course of your normal duties, and you will be forbidden to mention any of what you have heard amongst us today. You must decide now."

Steffan looked at the floor for a moment, and thought deeply at what he had heard in this room, in this audience with Master Octavius, Laird of the Pipers. He made the traditional gesture of obedience, and then spoke. "Master Octavius, this is an overwhelming and massively important task, and one for which I have no experience and no obvious skills. I really can not claim to be ready. Is the world truly in peril?"

"Yes, we believe it is."

Steffan looked at the Master's desk, with it's various important looking pages of paper and charts.

"I can not accept such a rank, truly, but I will go."

Octavius looked confused.

To be continued...

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