Saturday 13 December 2014


It's late on a Saturday evening. The Quirky Muffin has yet to be written. A rejected draft on writing supporting statements for application forms has been, well, rejected. Re-assessing reviews for legendary turkey movies 'Her Alibi' and 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' remain on the slate for future entries. What to fill up the space with this time?

Should this be a commentary on being sick and suffering multiple ice slip abrasions all in one day? Should it be about one of the most stonking defeats ever suffered in 'Ticket to Ride Europe', where not a single route ticket was accomplished? Should it even be about 'The Big Over Easy', that wonderful Jasper Fforde I just finished re-reading for the umpteenth time? It's hard to say. Inevitably, if this goes on, it could end up being a post about what the post could be about. No, that's just too meta, and the Meta Police are already after me for crimes committed in commentaries. When the 'Forbidden Planet' commentary goes up we may all have to hide in the Film Bin Vault until the New Year!

No, no meta, just gibberish. Gibberish is easy with a rusty mind. In fact it's beneficial. The saga of 'Wordspace' has been preoccupying the rusty mind recently, with no end in sight and the perils of a first person narrative weighing it down. Every weakness has a strength on the flipside if you can but find it. We have a narrative wherein there exists a Wordspace, populated by the words of the English language, all of whom are defined mostly - but not totally - by their dictionary meanings. Our protagonist is Mystery, who has to date met a word from another dimension (ie language), been to meet the Silly Stone in the point of intersection between all worlds, discovered another possible invader was loose in the Wordspace, returned to devastation, journeyed to the Zone of Meaningless Jargon to negotiate with and release the destructive words long imprisoned there, and is now somewhat at a loss for things to do while the long wrongly exiled War and friends set out to defend their home space. Mystery is at a loose end... It's entirely possible that his story has finished, and I missed it. Oh no, a missed natural ending?

Blast this coughing. If it weren't so late I would be listening to some Merrison/Williams Sherlock Holmes right now, but it is late, and there is not time. That's a strange thing to say on a weekend! Oh, for those wonderful weekends of not being compelled toward anything! They must have happened sometime, somewhere, and to someone.


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