Sunday 9 March 2014

Story: Wordspace, VI

(Part I , V , VII)

Cloud had never been so high, so high that down below he could see Sky looking anxiously up and hoping for his safe return. Upon his broad syllables rode Mystery, Club and the surprising Sorpresa. Sorpresa was grinning and pointing up, while the other two merely looked excited and concerned. Ever higher, did he go, until finally the loneliness made him shudder and roil and his letters quaked.

Above, a vast forgotten memory was stirring, the word they had all but forgotten. The great Space looked down at them and into them and through them, immaterial and absolute. The outlines of massive letters flitted in and out of vision. Sorpresa looked in awe, quite shocked and Space rallied her senses after a sleep of solitude so long that she had passed out of the ken of most words.

"Space..." Mystery was dumbfounded as the knowledge of Space filtered down into his mind. "Do you know how our visitor came to us, Space? How have you been alone up here for so long?"

"Sorpresa?" Space chuckled. "He came from another space, a world of his own lexicon. They discovered a method to cross the boundary between this world and theirs, and all others that exist in the greater multi-space." Space flexed her nothingness for a moment. "As for me... people find it hard to remember an absence... especially one who must of necessity stay apart." A pause. "I will make more of an effort."

"Sorpresa is from another place entirely?"

"Yes... there is a point at which the places interpose upon each other. A point where only the Silly Stone abides. Once you go to the point, and make your choice, what is up becomes down, and you fall to the new world you have transferred into. This I gathered while asleep, living in the small gaps all around down on the world below."

"We must go, Space. Where is this point?"

"Not yet, inquisitive Mystery. First we shall go aside, for there is one thing I must tell you alone." And with that Mystery vanished into the void that was Space, and Cloud jumped in shock.

To be continued...

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